At some point or another, we’ve all been there. You have a lot of great friendships, but sometimes you wonder if these relationships are helping you or hindering you. You’re torn because you want to be a good friend, and yet you also want to pursue a life of healthy friendships.
Confusing, right?
How can you tell if a friendship is healthy or harmful? What happens when you and your friend differ in values? Is there something you can do to be a better friend? If you’ve found these questions coming to mind, this episode has your back. Join me as I walk through five, practical indicators to decipher if a friendship is healthy, what you can do if it’s not, and why you should stop calling someone ‘your best friend.’
We are all called to love others. But there is no ‘one size fits all’ category when it comes to friendships. So if you’ve ever felt uncertain about a friendship, or just not quite sure how to move forward, the indicators in this episode will provide some helpful direction. Bring on the clarity and be the best version of a friend you can be.
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