
How to Build Your Dream One Step at a Time

Work from Home
I'm Jordan!
I'm a mama by birth and adoption after years of recurrent pregnancy loss with a passion for helping other women support their health and well-being on their motherhood journeys.
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The holidays are here and this is the season so many of us busy, hardworking women begin to feel the stress of burn out as we work to close out the year and prepare for all of the festivities. 

Not only are we trying to wrap up our workload but we’re preparing for the new year and also trying to find time to spend with our families.

It seems like there’s always so much to do with so little time and we don’t know how to prioritize ourselves when we get to the burnout period. 

So, before we even dove into the whole “building our dreams” part of the conversation, I asked Liv to give us some steps we can take when we begin to feel overwhelmed by all that’s already on our plate.


In this episode, I brought on a mental health counselor, Liv Mercer, to talk about the importance of figuring out why we feel the way we do instead of just trying to solve the problem. 

Liv says that she often works with people who come to her saying “I don’t know what’s wrong but everything is terrible.” 

In other words, it feels like their house is on fire. 

Liv explained that it’s so important to give ourselves space to unapologetically get it all out and once we do, to go back and find out WHY. 

Why did that fire start, or where did that feeling originate, and what can I change to feel better?


As we chatted, Liv highlighted 3 questions to ask ourselves when we feel stuck, or like we’re not making forward progress in the direction of our dreams:

What do I need?

What do I value?

What am I doing to pursue that?

She also emphasized the importance of identifying what we value, and helped us understand the difference between a value and a goal so that we can set goals that align with what we actually value. 

For example, a value is, “Education.” 

A goal is “Get my Masters degree.”

See the difference? 

I’d never heard someone explain it that way before and I found it to be so helpful in setting goals that are aligned with our values.


How often do you feel like “I wish I were so much further along than I am already…” or “Why is she crushing it and I’m not…”? 

Too often right? 

This episode is a kick-in-the-pants reminder that nobody got to where they are overnight, believe me. 

Still, the feeling (and frustration) is real.

Liv’s advice?

Even if you can’t go all in on your dream, perhaps because your plate is already full or your current season of life just doesn’t allow it, consider what you can do today to move the needle just 1% closer to where you want to go.

Liv gave the example of wanting to be a writer. She’s currently a mental health counselor but has always dreamed of being a writer.

She’s not in a season where she can just drop her career as a counselor but she realized she could do one small thing to steward that passion of hers to write by creating a piece of mental health content on her Instagram account every week.

This would allow her to write, and to share her expertise, in a way that fits her current season. 

1% is better than nothing, and my dare is for you to consider what this might look like in your life. 

What would building your dream 1% at a time, in incremental and practical ways, look like for you?


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JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

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