“The world is weird.” – Jennifer Allwood
What a way to describe what’s going on around us, huh? So much uncertainty, change, and fear.
I actually chose “fearless” as my word for 2020 before knowing just how appropriate that would be.
This year has been a whirlwind of events, broken plans, and uncertain futures.
The truth is, everyone is grieving something. Some are working through the pain of rescheduling their wedding and others through the struggle of a lost job. No matter what it is, it’s important allow ourselves to admit when we’re not okay so that we don’t stay stuck.
In this episode, I got to have a conversation about all of this with Jennifer Allwood, author of Fear Is Not The Boss Of You. Wow, did we have a lot to process.
Don’t Stay Stuck
I admitted that if we could skip 2021, I’d be cool with that because I’ve just felt stuck in a nightmare loop. Jennifer and I candidly talked about this, and she pointed out something powerful:
The first step to stop feeling stuck is to figure out why we feel stuck. Oftentimes women end up staying in a situation even if they’re miserable, just because it feels natural. Feeling uncomfortable sometimes tends to feel better than moving into a space of uncertainty.
Funny how we see that right?
Fear Is Not the Boss of You
One of my favorite parts of this conversation was when Jennifer explains that the main thing we need to consider when we fear something is, “What is worse than that fear?”
For example, if you’ve experienced failure in the past, it’s natural to fear facing that again in the future. But is the alternative better? Is it better to never have that thing you’ve been working toward, or know if you can succeed, even if the journey toward your dream is hard?
Most likely not.
Get Your Life Back
Ready to stop letting fear boss you around and get back in the drivers seat of your life? Tune in to learn:
- Why being stuck can sometimes be a good thing for a short while (hello, life pivots)
- Why the loneliness and isolation really is a problem right now (and what to do about it)
- How to navigate fear of the unknown future with grit and grace
- Practical ways to “feel the fear and do it anyway”
Leave a comment and let us know what you’re currently grieving and how this helped you understand that fear is not the boss.
Want to connect with Jennifer? Find her here.
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