Did you know that a book can serve as your business card?
Have you ever thought about how much authority being an author could give you when it comes to your industry or expertise? Ever dreamed about sharing your story with the world but hesitated when it came to writing a book simply because you’re not sure how or where to start?
It’s one thing to dream about one day writing a book. It’s another thing to actually write the dang thing. And it’s a whole nother thing entirely to find people who want to read your book!
Woo. It can all be a little overwhelming…
I believe you have words and experiences the world needs to hear. And I don’t want you to hold yourself back any longer just because you don’t know where to start or what to do first.
Although I’ve got a ton of experience in this area, I thought it’d be more fun to call in an expert and give you two voices to learn from! So, in this episode, I brought on Michelle Prince.
Meet Michelle Prince
Michelle Prince is the best-selling author of her first book, “Winning In Life Now” and is a highly sought after Zig Ziglar Motivational Speaker. She has gone on to author dozens of additional books and products in the areas of achievement, motivation, productivity and success.
She owns her own publishing company and is the founder of the “Book Bound Workshop” which helps soon-to-be authors get their story “out of their head and onto paper.”
Michelle knows we all have a story and is passionate about helping others tell their stories so they can impact other people’s lives.
So, what are the first steps to writing a book?
In this episode, she’s unpacking the first steps to writing a book and getting your story out into the world.
The very first step to writing a book is clarifying your core message as well as your goals for writing a book!
Once you clarify your message, ask yourself what your goals for the book are and why.
Do you want to write a book as a gift or legacy for your family? Something for your kids to pass down to generations?
Or do you want to write a book grow your business and establish your expertise?
Or perhaps you want to write a book to sell thousands or tens of thousands of copies and grow your influence, getting your message in as many hands as possible.
Once you know your goal for your book, you can make the best decision for HOW you’ll publish your book. Will you self publish or try to pursue traditional publishing? What type of publisher would be the best partner for what you hope to accomplish with your book?
All of these questions and more are important to answer when taking the first steps toward writing your book.
If this is something you’ve been dreaming of, it’s time to hit play on this episode so you can stop dreaming and start doing!
To learn more from Michelle, connect with her at or grab a free digital copy of her book HERE.
Dreaming of working from home or writing for a living but need a little help getting started?
Enroll in my FREE training, the Work From Home Workshop, to learn how you can make a living with your writing (aka money in your pocket) from home in your yoga pants, which, if you ask me, is the best way to work.
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