It’s time for a little honesty, don’t you think?
So, here’s my confession: I’ve had to combat a lot of feelings of fear, confusion, and disappointment this year.
Now, before the Perspective Police come out to virtually arrest me, I don’t say this to minimize the current tragedy or to be insensitive. I’m thankful to be healthy and safe. However, I say it because as real as the tragedy is, I also know so many are feeling massive disappointment that has come as a result of the COVID-19 pandemic.
- Brides have had to cancel their weddings.
- College seniors won’t get to have their commencement ceremony.
- Athletes won’t get to finish out their seasons.
- People who relied on their jobs for a stable source of income have had that taken away.
It’s absolutely heartbreaking to see not only the number of cases and those affected by the illness but also the vast repercussions it has caused beyond health itself.
So, that’s what we’re tackling in this episode of SHE. We’re going to dive into facing disappointments… and then we’re going to rally to find the courage, confidence, and class it takes to move forward when plans royally crumble.
Specifically, I’m giving you five steps on how to move forward after your best laid plans fall apart.
And when you get really down, I’m challenging you to say it out loud: “This season, as tough as it seems, is going to be the best dang thing that ever happened to me.” The reality is, we’re going through a challenging time right now as I discussed here, but we can do this together.
And then make it so.
Once you’ve had a chance to listen, comment below and tell me which one resonated with you most and why. How are you going to turn this insight into action?
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