There‘s been moments I’ve caught myself wishing I had her hair, or her talent, or her (fill in the blank here). Anybody else ever feel that way now and then with their incredible friends?
Those thoughts never last long though, because true friendship doesn’t let them stick around. And that’s why I love that we have a friendship that celebrates one another’s inner beauty above all else.
So many people say women are competitive and clique-y. But when you find friends that care more about your SOUL than your surface level beauty and your heart more than your hair, comparison literally has no room and it has to leave.
True sisterhood, true friendship, is about championing one another. It’s the kind of friendship that will speak right into your insecurities, not with empty compliments, but with the challenge to get your eyes off of yourself and celebrate & serve someone else.
Because we only envy when we fix our eyes on the mirror reflecting ourselves, instead of being a mirror that reflects authentic love to the women in our lives.
The bottom line is this: you can either envy someone or encourage someone. Every time you begin to envy them, encourage them instead.
So here’s to the friends whose beauty truly rests in building one another up in love. Because that’s what matters, that’s what lasts, anyway.
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