
5 Ways to Stay Organized in Your Personal and Professional Life

How to stay organized
I'm Jordan!
I'm a mama by birth and adoption after years of recurrent pregnancy loss with a passion for helping other women support their health and well-being on their motherhood journeys.
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Is it just me or do you ever feel like you’re spinning 18 million plates trying to keep up with all the demands of work and family and friends?

GIRL. The struggle is real.

Lately, Matt and I have been implementing Sunday rhythms and it’s been so life-giving.

We keep our phones off all day until after dinner, and spend the afternoon napping, walking, and reading by our wood-burning stove.

It’s not something we share or post on social. It’s just our time – for us. It helps us reset before the coming week and give our souls a break from the hustle in both our work and personal lives.

I get a lot of questions regarding “how I get it all done” and my response to that is… “I get it all done by not doing it all!”

It may sound counterintuitive but it’s true. I’ve found the less I push myself to constantly be on and achieving without any breaks, the more productive I actually am in the blocks I designate to knock out my top goals. Crazy, huh?

So, I want to give you some tips to creating rhythms in your life, too.

Just like I mentioned the weekly Sunday rhythm we have, developing monthly rhythms can be helpful, too! 

These are five steps you can do at the beginning of each month to start and stay organized in your work and personal life. 

At the beginning of each month, take a day or two (ideally on the weekends) to:

1. Schedule Your Appointments 

That eye doctor appointment you’ve been forgetting to make isn’t going to schedule itself! Take a few minutes at the beginning of every month to schedule hair, nails, medical, etc. appointments. Make it happen or it won’t happen! 

2. Deep Clean Your Home 

Take an afternoon to mop your kitchen floor, dust, and clean bathrooms. Starting each month with a clean home can be such a game changer for your mental clarity and productivity!

3. Choose One Book to Start and Complete

If you’re like me, you might read three books at a time. Nothing wrong with that but if you’re always starting new books, it can be tough to finish them! Keep your mind focused on one book at a time – and make it your mission to finish it! 

Reading like this is a way to keep your mind stimulated outside of work and actually completing a leisure activity like this not only helps you learn something new but can also lead to more productivity as you train your brain to remain focused on one thing to completion. 

4. Make plans with family and friends 

I’m all about spontaneity but with a busy work and travel schedule, I’ve found I feel WAY less stressed when I get a few dinner dates with friends or family activities on the calendar ahead of time. 

This allows me to build my work schedule around my life schedule rather than trying to squeeze in time for my people around an already full workload. Make this a habit that you do at the beginning of every month so you can build your work around your life, not your life around your work. 

5. Pick One New (Simple) Thing to commit to 

The Sunday afternoon rhythm I mentioned is a great example of this. We committed to phone free Sundays. We usually shut them off Saturday evening and don’t turn them back on until Sunday evening, well after dinner. 

This gives us a full 24 hours every week unplugged and it not only helps us connect and rest in our personal lives but also re-energizes us when it comes to work. By the time Monday morning rolls around, we’re rested, re-inspired, and ready to hit the ground running!

Building simple systems like this into your life and doing them regularly can be so helpful in being more organized and more productive in both life and work. 

If you’re interested in learning even more about my weekly block scheduling system that helps me maximize productivity without constantly hustling (and without being distracted), check out The Own Your Everyday System! 

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JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

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My days are spent writing books, hosting the SHE podcast, sharing product recommendations, and creating resources rooted in biblical values to help you do just that.

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