
How to Dream and Work Together

tips to working with your spouse
I'm Jordan!
I'm a mama by birth and adoption after years of recurrent pregnancy loss with a passion for helping other women support their health and well-being on their motherhood journeys.
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Dream together. These two words have defined Matt and I’s life for over a year now and I couldn’t be more thankful for the day our marriage mentors asked us, “Have you guys ever thought to dream together…?”

We both looked at each other and said, “No, we haven’t, but maybe we should!”

Then, a few weeks later, while on a flight to New York City, we decided to have a Dooley Dream Date. Matt and I literally pulled out a notebook and just started answering questions like, “What do we want for our family?” and, “What kind of work do we really want to do?”

We were at a point in our life where we were both so busy yet feeling pulled in opposite directions. And this exercise helped us see that we were ready to join together when it came to our careers, and helped us set clear goals for the years to come for ourselves.

If you’re interested in having a Dream Date of your own, tune in to this episode to hear several more of the questions that we answered on this epic date on a plane.

You might be debating joining your partners entrepreneurial journey, simply trying to be supportive and understand each other’s careers, or just wanting to learn some tangible ways to work better together as a team.

This exercise that Matt and I went through will be helpful for you regardless which situation you currently find yourself in.

Whether you’re working together on a business or not, you’re still working on life together, and we both know it’s crucial to fully understand each other’s dreams and together create your future vision.


I had to bring this up because it’s a question we’re asked all the time, and I totally understand why.

We knew that the stability we had from Matt’s 9-5 was going to disappear if we chose to go all in on the entrepreneur journey together, but we both also knew that him coming on board and helping in areas that truly needed him, getting his perspective, was going to be life changing. 

Step 1. We planned ahead, we cut costs that weren’t necessary and put away about six months worth of expenses so we could simplify and take some time to build something together

Step 2. We figured out the right health insurance for us, and we’d recommend it over and over again. Tune in to learn more about the route we’ve chosen.


Sometimes you don’t know what the picture’s going to be or how it’s going to eb and flow, or how it’s going to come full circle but now, not even a full year into this journey, we’re beginning to see it.

We are noticing how much progress has been made through that step of faith, of Matt joining me 100% and making this thing ours.

The best part? Because of this decision we made together, Matt is now starting his own coaching and consulting business and so much more – more of what his dream was over a year ago. 

One thing I constantly say is that when you love someone, their dreams become your dreams.

For years, when we were dating, engaged, and first married, we chased Matt’s NFL dream as a team.

Then, when God showed us that wasn’t our path, and my brand began to grow rapidly online, and we realized it may be time to chase a new dream as a team.

And it has taught us so much about why God created roles in marriage. A marriage is a team, and when whether or not you’re in business together, when you’re willing to serve your role – whether that’s in the lead or behind the scenes – you both win.


Listen to Matt and I talk about every step we took along the way and how much we’ve learned. We bring up an exercise that helps couples decide whether it’s smart to work together, let you know exactly which health care company we use, and even give you a glimpse of our daily life (you know the parts where Matt teases me every ten minutes, yeah it’s a good laugh). So hop on now. 

My recommendation? Listen to this one with your significant other, watch their reactions, and hit the pause button when that light bulb turns on, this can be amazing to do together!


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JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

Hi, I'm Jordan.
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I have a huge heart for helping other mamas (and future mamas to-be) naturally support their body, embrace their femininity, and make healthy swaps for their families in a way that works for them and glorifies God (zero perfection required)

My days are spent writing books, hosting the SHE podcast, sharing product recommendations, and creating resources rooted in biblical values to help you do just that.

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