
Un-Figured Out Dreams? How a Small Idea Can Turn into Big Impact that Gives Back (Ft. Blythe Hill)

I'm Jordan!
I'm a mama by birth and adoption after years of recurrent pregnancy loss with a passion for helping other women support their health and well-being on their motherhood journeys.
hey there

I am almost enough.

Have you ever said this to yourself? Or perhaps it’s a thought that constantly cycles in the back of your mind?

If only you were just a little more talented, or skilled, or smart, or funny…THEN you’d be able to execute on that dream. THEN you’d be successful in your endeavors. THEN your business or mission idea would for sure work.

Sound familiar?

If so, you aren’t alone, friend.

It’s time to rally the troops and stop allowing that limiting narrative to hold you back from making an impact. Even if you aren’t exactly sure what that looks like just yet.

In this episode, Jordan brings on powerhouse CEO/Founder of the Dressember Foundation, an annual campaign to raise awareness and money for anti-human trafficking work. Listen in as they discuss how Blythe’s small idea transformed into a dignity restoring non profit, how she has raised over $5M, and where her idea was surprisingly birthed in the first place.

Gal, if you have a knack for business and heart for missions, this episode is for you.

Blythe brings the fire with knowledge, wisdom, and better yet – hands on experience, around beginning a movement, building a non profit, overcoming self-doubt at any stage of the game, and weaving together your passions with your individual skillset. In this inspiring discussion, you’ll learn:

  • Why bad ideas are indeed not bad, but a good thing
  • Why you actually are NOT enough (spoiler alert – NO ONE is) and why you should embrace that
  • Why holding your goals and vision loosely can lead to great growth
  • Why it’s important to get creative with your own journey

Sister, if you want to make a difference, but you’re feeling stuck, unsure, or have unfigured out dreams – you’re in good company.

Release yourself of the fear of others seeing you ‘start small’ and start asking yourself, ‘What can be created at the intersection of my passion and skillset?’  Maybe that crazy idea is the door to your destiny. And will impact the lives of women around the world.

And when your vision just doesn’t seem to make sense, remember Blythe’s wisdom, ‘Maybe your path isn’t linear because it’s bigger than the vision you have for it currently.’

For more information on how to raise awareness and money for anti-human trafficking work domestically and internationally, check out Can’t wait to see how this tribe gives back this season.

Give this episode a listen on Spotify here!

And for you Android users, listen on Stitcher here!

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JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

Hi, I'm Jordan.
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I have a huge heart for helping other mamas (and future mamas to-be) naturally support their body, embrace their femininity, and make healthy swaps for their families in a way that works for them and glorifies God (zero perfection required)

My days are spent writing books, hosting the SHE podcast, sharing product recommendations, and creating resources rooted in biblical values to help you do just that.

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