
20 Ways to Make Extra Income From Home

Jordan shares her top 20 work from home ideas
I'm Jordan!
I'm a mama by birth and adoption after years of recurrent pregnancy loss with a passion for helping other women support their health and well-being on their motherhood journeys.
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I’m a huge advocate for working from home.

NOT because it’s easy.

Sure, there are perks (I’m definitely wearing sweatpants as I write this…), but there are also challenges that come with the territory (cue Matt sneezing as I record a podcast episode).

I care about this because I’m tired of women believing they have to be a boss babe wearing high heels, breaking ceilings, and making six figures on Wall Street to help create financial independence and freedom for themselves, their families, and their communities.

Sometimes financial freedom looks like messy buns (also me right now 🙋‍♀️), running a shop out of your garage, or doing photography on the weekends – maybe not glamorous, but still significant.

My journey towards wellness in the past year has made me even more passionate about this. I hate to say it, but when I made the shift towards taking better care of my health and home, it also shifted how Matt and I allocated our funds.

In other words, it took some extra moolah.

So maybe you’ve been wanting to make a change (pay down your debt, invest in cleaner foods, change household products, etc.), but you just don’t have the wiggle room in your budget.

If that’s you, then get ready, because I have 20 work from home ideas that you can begin doing (without a specific college degree, formal training, or high start-up costs).

Whether you’re wanting to start your own full-time business, or you’re just wanting a side hustle to make a couple extra hundred bucks a month to expand your budget, this is for you.



1. Offer virtual tutoring services

If you have extensive knowledge in a specific area, such as a language, economics, or chemistry, and enjoy mentoring people, this could be a great way to earn some extra funds with even just a couple of hours of work a week.

According to, you can earn $12 to $35/hour tutoring students over the phone or on a video-meeting platform like Zoom.

If this is something that interests you, check out sites like Indeed, LinkedIn, or to find potential clients.

2. Offer services as a virtual assistant

To all of my organized friends who thrive when they have their planners color-coded and a clean email inbox, then this could be for you.

The average VA charges $28/hour according to and earns between $2,000 and $5,000/month. So you could even make this a full-time gig, or just work on the side of your 9 to 5 to earn some extra cash each month.

If this sounds like a sweet deal,  then choose who you want to market your services towards  – bloggers, doctors, business owners, etc. Then promote your services on freelance sites like Upwork and Fiverr, and social media sites like LinkedIn and Pinterest.

3. Be an affiliate marketer

If you already have a social media account that people interact with, a great way to monetize your platform is through partnering with companies that you love as an affiliate marketer.

Basically, this means that you earn a commission for referring customers to a company’s products (that you don’t have to create, store, or ship 🙌).

Most of you who follow me know that I have shared my journey to clear skin over the years, and since finding Primally Pure, have partnered with them as an affiliate marketer because I started using their products, loved them, and wanted to share them with my community.

So maybe you’re using your platform to share your journey to getting out of debt, to clear skin, to clean eating, or to motherhood- whatever it is, if you have an invested audience that cares about what you have to say, this may be a great way to earn some extra money in a way that isn’t costly or time-intensive for you.

4. Start a blog

Despite what you may think, blogging is not dead! (Proof: you’re reading these words, aren’t you?)

You can monetize your blog by showing ads, affiliate marketing, or selling your own services or products to your followers.

This works best once you already have an engaged audience built. To be the most successful when starting a new blog, begin with a narrow niche, and then go broader once your audience is more developed.

If blogging is something that appeals to you but feels overwhelming, then check out 7 Steps to Set Your Blog Up For Success and How To Name Your Blog or Podcast to help get started.

5. Offer bookkeeping services

Are you organized, detail-oriented, and numbers bring you life?

Well then search no longer, because you don’t have to be a CPA or have an accounting degree to offer bookkeeping services to businesses.

A great place to start is by taking Accounting Coach’s free online bookkeeping training course to give you the know-how before you start marketing your services.

6. Offer editing and proofreading services

Okay, be honest, does poor grammar drive you up the wall? Do you just have to use proper punctuation when you text because it would just feel so wrong if you didn’t?

Well, my grammar police friend, I may have found your calling.

And when I say “editing and proofreading”, I’m not just talking about your friend’s self-published book. 

All businesses need written copy, not just authors, and often you can charge a higher rate per project when working for organizations than you can for individuals.

One great place to start would be to contract your work on Scribe Media, where on average you could earn $20/hour – not too shabby at all.

7. Offer services as a social media manager

Demand for anything related to social media is always increasing.

So if you geek out over digital market strategies and could spend all day going through filters and coming up with captions, then this may be for you.

As a social media manager, you get to set your own rates and schedule, and you have the freedom to serve as many or as few clients as you want.

My advice? Specialize in a particular platform to target a specific market. This will really set you apart even in the midst of a saturated space.

So research strategies, create plans and determine where your sweet spot is (like Instagram, LinkedIn, or TikTok) and then, once you’re ready, market your services on Fiverr and Upwork

8. Open an e-commerce shop

While this option may be more expensive upfront, this is a great option if you enjoy crafting, have a creative itch, and want to create physical products.

Creating a shop on Etsy is a great option, especially if you have no clue who to even sell your products to.

If you already have an established audience that you’re wanting to create products for, then I would recommend checking out Shopify to get started.

9. Offer graphic design services

You know this beautiful website you’re on right now? It actually was created by a self-taught website designer, not someone with a college degree in graphic design.

So if graphic design interests you, go for it! There are plenty of free resources online, as well as affordable online courses that you could invest in to learn the skills you need to be successful.

Practice, research, and allow your work to speak for itself.

Pick a niche market you want to serve, then market your services on social media sites, as well as freelancing sites like Fiverr and Upwork.

10. Offer photo editing services

For all of my creatives, consider learning popular photo editing software like Lightroom, play around with presets, and then market your services to photographers who outsource editing work.

The photographer may have you edit with their specific style, but if you are willing to learn and adjust as you go, then this could be a fun way to have a creative outlet while earning some extra income.

11. Share your knowledge on a platform like Skillshare

If you enjoy teaching others and have a skill- maybe you’re a bomb photographer, you play an instrument, or create animations in your free time, then this could be for you.

You don’t have to be a pro to get started and there are two different ways you can earn money on the platform: earn a $10 commission for each premium subscription you refer to the platform via your own personal link (basically affiliate marketing for Skillshare), or you could earn a portion of Skillshare’s monthly profits based on how many premium minutes your videos are watched for the classes you teach.

12. Offer video editing services

Very similar to photo editing services, but with video.

If multimedia and the art of storytelling appeals to you, then learn popular video editing software like Adobe Premiere, practice with audio and color grading, and then start marketing your services.

Like photographers, many videographers outsource their editing so they can focus on other aspects of their business, so this could be a great option.

13. Offer podcast editing services

If you are a podcast junkie, consider learning how to use editing software like Adobe Audition or Adobe Premiere, research audio correction, learn from someone you know who has experience with audio production, practice with a few clips, then start promoting your services on social media and freelance sites.

And before you just scroll past this, you can make $50 to $100/hr depending on your skillset and experience level.

So even if you just edit one podcast each week, that could add up to a whole lot of non-toxic cleaning products (Judge me if you want, but I unashamedly get excited when I buy a new bathroom cleaner!).

14. Teach basic English

Do you have a 4-year degree? Are you fluent in English? Do you have some experience with children, whether through babysitting, being a mom, volunteering, or a prior job?

Well then, you’re qualified!

Not only can you set your own schedule, but you can earn $14 to $22/hr teaching basic English online to kids in China on VIPKid. (How cool is that?!)

15. Become a virtual recruiter

If you have experience interviewing or enjoy finding talent, then working remotely with a recruiting agency could be a sweet deal.

According to, the income ranges from about $42,000 to $55,000/year, so there are opportunities for this to be full-time or part-time work. 

You don’t need any certifications and there are no formal education requirements to get started, so check out ZipRecruiter or LinkedIn for potential jobs if you think this could be a good fit for you.

16. Do freelance copywriting

Listen, I’m a writer and I hire freelance copywriters to do work for me.

This is because messaging is so important and organizations are willing to pay for your services to help them create copy that converts.

If you enjoy writing and want to learn more, check out my friend’s blog, Ashlyn Writes, where she has a TON of resources to help get you started, including informative posts, YouTube videos, and free templates. (Oh, and her site is also just so aesthetically pleasing.)

17. Become a Pinterest manager

Pinterest is a targeted search engine to a more targeted audience, and many influencers, bloggers, and businesses are willing to pay for someone else to learn Pinterest strategy and drive traffic to their page or product. 

And yes, I have a Pinterest manager for my blog and other businesses, cause your girl just doesn’t have the time for it.

Research and learn the strategy if it interests you, then market your services on social media and freelance platforms to get started.

18. Become a customer service rep

To all of my problem solvers and social butterflies, this one’s for you.

Customer service reps typically interact with customers to answer questions and resolve problems, they do a lot of their own over email, the phone, and social media DMs, and make all the difference in helping customers feel loved and supported.

Oh and working remotely, the average salary for a customer service rep is $21,000 to $37,000 per year – not bad at all.

You can look for opportunities on platforms like Liveops, ZipRecruiter, and LinkedIn to get started.

19. Perform data entry

Okay, maybe not the most glamorous option, but if you’re in need of some extra money pronto and don’t have time to learn marketing strategies, editing software, and create products, then this could be an option to earn some additional funds in a short period of time.

You can look for jobs on sites like ZipRecruiter and Indeed, but keep in mind that these jobs are typically entry-level, so the pay is not especially dazzling.

So before you get too excited about that six-figure data entry gig you found posted online, check out this article by Data Entry Outsourced to get some tips on identifying when data entry jobs are legit versus a scam.

20. Offer translation services

Last, but certainly not least, if you know another language, then consider using that knowledge to help a business that is looking for someone with your skillset.

To get started, check out Appen and Lionbridge for jobs, as well as researching companies that may need your services on platforms like ZipRecruiter.

Get Started & Learn More Work From Home Ideas

Well, there you have it, friend – 20 different ways you can earn some extra funds, and all it requires is you being willing to learn, Google, and stay determined through the process.

If after hearing these ideas you’re feeling inspired to start your own business or side hustle, whether that be with photo editing, freelance copywriting, e-commerce, or really anything, then check out the Own It Academy’s online training program, The Starter.

This program will give you all the tools you need to get started legally and financially and get your marketing plan in place.

I’d love to have you join this community of entrepreneurial, creative, and determined self-starters.

And if one of these 20 ideas has you curious, then listen to the full episode to learn:

    • How working from home can help add money to your budget
    • Part-time and full-time, remote job opportunities that don’t require a degree
    • Where to market your services online
    • Resources to get you started

Then let us know in the comments, which of these job ideas appeal to you and your interests? We’d love to hear from you!


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JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

Hi, I'm Jordan.
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I have a huge heart for helping other mamas (and future mamas to-be) naturally support their body, embrace their femininity, and make healthy swaps for their families in a way that works for them and glorifies God (zero perfection required)

My days are spent writing books, hosting the SHE podcast, sharing product recommendations, and creating resources rooted in biblical values to help you do just that.

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