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Faith-based wellness for your motherhood journey.

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In this image, Jordan is looking into a mirror, washing her face over the sink.

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LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY Are you struggling with acne or feeling frustrated with skin issues? Maybe you’ve tried all the things (over-the-counter products, dermatologist-recommended topicals, infomercial supplements etc.), but you still haven’t seen any improvement. You’re feeling overwhelmed by all the information out there and you’re even starting to think that nothing […]


This shows an image of Jordan holding her belly while pregnant. In this episode, Jordan shares her tips for C-section recovery.

What I Did for C-Section Recovery and Scar Healing

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY ​​Recovering from a C-section can be challenging – especially if you didn’t expect your birth to end in a major surgery.When I gave birth to Shep last year,​ I was not anticipating needing a C-section. In fact, I very much did NOT want to have a C-section.It was […]


In this image, Jordan is wearing a sweatsuit, with her son in a baby carrier. This episode talks about recovery and movement postpartum.

A PT’s Tips for Recovery and Movement After Birth

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY Are you in a postpartum season? Maybe you had a C-section and you want to know how you can help improve mobility and work on your scar. Or maybe you’re ready to add more movement back into your routine, but you have no idea where to start. Perhaps […]


In this image, Jordan is holding her oldest son, with one hand on her pregnant belly.

Everything You Need to Know About C-Sections and VBACs

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY Have you had a C-section and wanted to learn more about having a VBAC? With so many opinions and data flying about, it can be difficult to understand the facts and to figure out what the best option is for you. Maybe you’re wondering things like… What’s the […]


This image shows Jordan and her husband Matt standing in the middle of a road, holding hands. This episode talks about the hardest lesson Jordan learned on her fertility journey.

The Hardest Lesson I Learned on My Fertility Journey

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY Fertility journeys can be painfully difficult to navigate, whether you’re facing infertility, experiencing recurrent miscarriage, or walking through adoption. Between endless doctor visits, sad holidays, the difficulty of seeing others have kids, grief, and countless negative tests, the journey is heavy. The uncertainty causes you to ask yourself […]


This image shows Jordan and her husband Matt hiking while holding hands.

Finding Root Causes of Infertility

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY If you went to a cardiologist and complained of chest pain, you likely wouldn’t be satisfied if they gave you a painkiller and sent you on your way. The doctor would be treating the symptom, but not addressing the underlying disease causing it. In the same way, infertility […]


This image shows Jordan in the hospital with her husband, holding their newborn son, Shepherd.

My Birth Plan Went out the Window – Here’s the Story

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY In a world with beautiful photos and Instagram posts, social media can often romanticize pregnancy and birth and create high expectations for what your experience will or *should* be like. And while birth is a beautiful and miraculous thing, it can also be intense, uncertain, and scary – […]


This image shows a woman looking in a mirror and putting her hair up. This episode explores the link between mental and hormonal health.

The Link Between Mental and Hormonal Health

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY It’s no secret that women in our society are on the go all the time – whether it’s because we’re working, transporting the kids to countless activities, taking care of the house, or doing countless other activities on our calendar. The pressure to be productive has caused us […]


This image shows a woman cleaning her house. This episode talks about everything you need to know about ingredients in your products.

Everything You Need to Know About Ingredients

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY Did you know that cleaning products are not required to share all the ingredients they use on their labels? They only need to share the active ingredient. And of the 80,000 potential chemicals that could be used in a product, only 1% have actually been tested for safety. […]


This image shows Jordan hiking in the fall. This episode talks about Biblical truth for your wellness journey.

Biblical Truth for Your Wellness Journey

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY When it comes to health and wellness, there is a lot of great information available that can help us make informed decisions and steward our bodies. And while prioritizing our family’s health can be a wonderful and important focus, it can also be easy to slip into idolizing, […]


This image shows a pregnant belly. This episode talks about how the church can help support women with unplanned pregnancies.

The Church, Women, and Unplanned Pregnancies

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY So many women who face unplanned pregnancies feel like the church is the last place they can go to for help, whether they are afraid of being judged or they feel there will be no support for them. While the church may be pro-life and has the power […]


This image shows Jordan holding her son Noah. This episode talks about the best tips for postpartum.

A Labor Nurse’s Tips for Postpartum

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY Despite how social media sometimes portrays the postpartum season as a beautiful and joyful time, postpartum can also be demanding, exhausting, and overwhelming. For many women, it can be difficult to slow down and enjoy this season. With a lack of sleep, adjusting to a new little one, […]



JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

Hi, I'm Jordan.
& I'm glad you're here.

I have a huge heart for helping other mamas (and future mamas to-be) naturally support their body, embrace their femininity, and make healthy swaps for their families in a way that works for them and glorifies God (zero perfection required)

My days are spent writing books, hosting the SHE podcast, sharing product recommendations, and creating resources rooted in biblical values to help you do just that.

Learn more

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The SHE Podcast

A top-rated, workshop-style podcast on all things womanhood. Jam packed with inspiring stories, expert insight, and practical tips on all things from women's health to motherhood, we cover it all from a faith-based foundation. 


low tox toddler

Grab the Mom's Guide to Safe and Healthy Toddler Essentials (aka my most popular guide!)

This is an all-in-one guide on how to choose the safest products for your toddler (or soon-to-be toddler), from snacks to car seats and pouches to pull-ups, and more!


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detox your beauty routine with crunchi

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