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Faith-based wellness for your motherhood journey.

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This image shows Jordan, pregnant, walking on the beach with her husband and son. Her family is navigating pregnancy after loss.

Navigating Pregnancy After Loss

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Navigating pregnancy after loss is hard. Feelings of fear, uncertainty, anxiety, and even grief are often overwhelming. Some days you may feel some hope and the next day you may feel scared out of your mind. It seems that each week brings both relief and more fear. And […]


In this episode, naturopathic endocrinologist Dr. Jolene Brighten answers all the questions you’ve been dying to ask about women’s health.

A Woman’s Guide to Healthy Periods and Hormones

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have you ever had issues with your period or health and wondered… is this normal? Maybe you’ve wondered if the length of your period is normal or you’ve experienced major PMS symptoms or fatigue and you’re not sure why. Perhaps your doctor has dismissed your issues, or you feel […]


This image shows a bowl of bone broth. In this episode, Jordan talks with nutritionist Jessica Ash about how to support your metabolic health.

How to Support Your Thyroid and Metabolic Health

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER For a while now, the health and wellness space has pushed a go go go mentality to women, often promoting intense workouts, dieting, and fasting. This, along with society’s idea of hustle culture has led many women into a never-ending hamster wheel of activity. But many of these […]


Jordan talks with hormone health educator Candace Burch about easy ways to improve your hormonal health.

Non-Negotiable Habits to Improve Your Hormonal Health

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Raise your hand if you’ve ever experienced any of the following: heavy or painful periods, bloating, stubborn weight gain, dry skin and hair, brittle nails, PMS, or sleeplessness. 🙋‍♀️ Did you know that all of these symptoms could be a sign of hormonal imbalance? So, what’s a girl […]


Jordan talks with naturopathic doctor and author Lara Briden about how to get a better period


Your Guide to a Better Period

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Did you know that your period is considered a vital sign? It can say just as much about your overall health as your temperature or blood pressure. And yet so many women have struggled with period issues and have come to think that pain, PMS symptoms, a lack […]


Jordan speaks with Kori Meloy and Fallon Danae about how to restore your metabolism


How to Restore Your Metabolism

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER With a society that’s obsessed with diet culture, even “healing” diets like Whole 30, Paleo, and Keto, we often love having easy-to-follow lists that tell us exactly what to eat and not eat in order to be healthy. But this has led to nutrition becoming overly black and […]


Jordan talks about adrenal fatigue, the different opinions about it, and lifestyle changes you can make.


Adrenal Fatigue: What It Is and How to Address It

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Do you feel exhausted, no matter how much sleep you get? Are you living on espressos or stress hormones to get you through the day? Maybe you feel like your mood is off or you’re experiencing some major brain fog. If you’re feeling tired and fried, your adrenals […]


Jordan shares how she cut out coffee, how caffeine can affect your health, and her favorite coffee alternatives


How I Cut Back on Caffeine

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER If you’ve followed me for any length of time, you probably know that I used to be seriously addicted to coffee and caffeine…. like I became a coffee mug collector and had multiple double-shot lattes everyday kind of addicted. Now, don’t get me wrong. I don’t think that […]


Jordan Dooley talks with women's hormone expert Alisa Vitti about how to improve your relationships, productivity, and health through cycle syncing


Cycle Sync to Improve Productivity, Health, & Relationships

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM NOW: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Does any of this sound familiar? 🙋‍♀️ You decide that you’re finally gonna become the boss lady of your dreams. Which requires you to overhaul your entire schedule and routine, of course.  So you set your alarm for 5 am, roll out of bed and […]


how to balance your hormones


3 Steps to Balance Your Hormones

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM NOW: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have ya ever felt as though something in your body is just off, but there’s nothing you can do about it? Cystic acne, fatigue, bloating- story of my life! But what if, instead of fighting an uphill battle against your body, you were able to work with your […]


Dr. CJ Pabla talks about a functional medicine approach to improving your gut health


Your Guide to Functional Medicine and Gut Health

LISTEN ON YOUR FAVE PLATFORM NOW: APPLE | SPOTIFY | STITCHER Have ya ever found yourself bouncing from doctor to doctor, prescription to prescription, diagnosis to diagnosis, only to feel like no one is actually taking the time to listen to you and resolve the root issue? Finding a medical professional that is truly invested in you and your […]



JESUS FOLLOWER, bestselling author, realistic wellness mentor, clean beauty advocate, wife and mama 

Hi, I'm Jordan.
& I'm glad you're here.

I have a huge heart for helping other mamas (and future mamas to-be) naturally support their body, embrace their femininity, and make healthy swaps for their families in a way that works for them and glorifies God (zero perfection required)

My days are spent writing books, hosting the SHE podcast, sharing product recommendations, and creating resources rooted in biblical values to help you do just that.

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The SHE Podcast

A top-rated, workshop-style podcast on all things womanhood. Jam packed with inspiring stories, expert insight, and practical tips on all things from women's health to motherhood, we cover it all from a faith-based foundation. 


low tox toddler

Grab the Mom's Guide to Safe and Healthy Toddler Essentials (aka my most popular guide!)

This is an all-in-one guide on how to choose the safest products for your toddler (or soon-to-be toddler), from snacks to car seats and pouches to pull-ups, and more!


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detox your beauty routine with crunchi

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